Texenergy is a British company that specialises in portable power-generating products using renewable energy. One of which is the Infinite Solar 5 (£39), a flexible and foldable 6.5-watt solar charger that weighs 260g.
It can directly charge a device via USB or it can be integrated with a powerpack, and its panels are engineered so that they can continue to function even when an area of cells sustains damage. It won’t be much of a burden in the backpack either thanks to its reasonable weight and packed size of 195mm x 140mm when folded and 445mm x 140mm when open.
If you’re heading into an area where you’re not likely to have any sun, Texenergy still have you covered. They’ve designed a wind turbine called the Infinite Air that weighs 430g and folds up into a compact package that’s small enough to be stowed away in a rucksack. Its little propeller is capable of fully charging a phone from empty in just 2-3 hours – that’s if the wind is upwards of 12-15 mph. It’s available from the Texenergy website for £98.
Head to the Texenergy website for details of their portable (and bendy) powerpacks as well.
Preview: Texenergy portable chargers