In this review Alex Roddie takes a look at the Expedition Foods Vegetable Stir Fry.

Expedition Foods stock a vast range of different backpacking meals – and in 450, 800 or 1,000 Kcal packs. I tend to find 450 a bit small, but 800 is just right, especially in winter where you’re burning more energy.

Alex Roddie’s verdict

Recent price rises have made this meal poorer value than it used to be. However, it still represents decent value compared to the other meals tested.
  • Satisfying and moreish
  • Needed more time and water to hydrate than claimed
Quick specs
Price: £10.49
Weight: 194g
Calories: 800
Calories/100g: 412.4
Calories/£1: 76.3
Time to hydrate: 7 minutes
Vegan/vegetarian/dairy free/gluten free? vegetarian, dairy free
Allergens: egg, wheat, sulphites

The egg noodles within the Expedition Foods Vegetable Stir Fry were very good, and to add to the varied textures there are bean sprouts, red peppers, sweetcorn, and carrots. This is a carby meal; I found it very satisfying after a hard day on the hill and could honestly have polished off a 1,000 Kcal portion.

One downside to the Expedition Foods Vegetable Stir Fry came in preparation. After adding the specified amount of water and waiting the specified time, the meal was still a bit crunchy and clearly needed more water. I ended up adding about 200ml and waiting a couple of minutes longer.

Recent price rises have made this meal poorer value than it used to be. However, it still represents decent value compared to the other meals tested.