Today our featured post from the TGO Blogger Network is a fantastic trip report from the Arctic Trail, one of Scandinavia’s great long-distance backpacking routes
James Boulter, who blogs at Backpacking Bongos, has a reputation for quality trip reports and absorbing long reads with plenty of photos. He’s a well-travelled backpacker too, and in recent years has completed the Colorado Trail and TGO Challenge in addition to many freeform routes both in the UK and abroad.
James has recently returned from a hike in the far north of Scandinavia, following the Arctic Trail – known variously as the Nordkalottleden, Nordkalottruta and Kalottireitti – between Kautokeino and Kilpisjärvi. His first trip report from this journey is an excellent read. He’s making us yearn for those big Scandinavian skies!
Read the full post here.
I pitched a bit higher that night, just above 500 metres. The wind was cold and strong and the tent pegs struggled to get a good purchase in the thin soil. Several large rocks had to be deployed to keep the tent attached to the ground. It was a great evening sitting snug in my tiny tent listening to the wind and watching the moon rise
Blogger Network featured post: the Arctic Trail part 1 by James Boulter